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What our buyers and learners actually want

With each new industry survey, forecast and report claiming to reveal the absolute truth of L&D market trends, it is easy to find data to support any bias you already have. Seeking more first-hand insight, I gathered all the “requests for proposal” and participant feedback we’ve received in 2024 so far and put them through a certain large-language model.  

The buyer voice is summarised: 

“We want something that our people haven’t seen before which is really going to engage them and allow them to learn and practice relevant skills” 

The participant voice is summarised: 

“I loved connecting with colleagues from across the business and building a shared understanding of how we overcome our challenges”  

Our clients are the world’s largest companies, and there is no doubting the desire here to invest in physically bringing key talent together and learning together wherever possible. Just look at the plans from the likes of Danone, Nissan, and Walmart to open global training centres. 

This will foster the participant appetite for social learning, but we cannot revert to the chalk-and-talk style or awkward management workshops of the past.  

Face-to-face learning must leverage emerging technologies, which allow truly engaging, relevant, and memorable experiences. These experiences enable the safe but fun practice of the skills critical to performance.  

Classroom experiences must also be positioned as just one component of a development pathway aiming to solve a genuine business challenge, supported before and after by a range of other resources to ensure learning sustainment. 


Join our Talent Game immersive demo on May 8th to see for yourself how PBS enables truly memorable, relevant, and engaging social learning! Talent Game is the fastest and most engaging route to inclusive talent management, diverse workforces and less biased decision-making.

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