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Bluey's Bike Lesson and Workplace Learning

Updated: 3 days ago

If you're a parent, chances are you've heard of Bluey, the adorable Australian Blue Heeler dog, and her family. As a parent myself, I often find myself watching this animated series with my little ones. Little did I expect that a recent episode would serve as a powerful metaphor for a significant aspect of workplace learning.

In the episode titled "Bike," Bluey is struggling to ride her bike, while her younger sister, Bingo, grapples with reaching the water fountain. Instead of immediately rushing to help, Bandit, Bluey's dad, gives them the space to figure it out for themselves. It got me thinking about the parallels between this parenting approach and a concept I often discuss in the world of HR and L&D – serious games.

I often quote the Dr. Karyn Purvis' research that states it takes 400 repetitions to form a new synapse through learning, but with joy and laughter, it only takes 12 repetitions, thanks to the release of dopamine. Bluey's parents, Bandit and Chilli, intuitively understand this principle. Instead of making the learning process a chore, they turn it into a joyful experience.

In the workplace, this philosophy translates seamlessly into serious games. These are not your typical entertainment games but specially designed experiences for education and professional training. Think of them as interactive learning sessions that incorporate storylines, characters, and gameplay to make training not just effective but enjoyable.

Serious games, including business simulations, are invaluable tools in leadership development training. They offer hands-on, engaging scenarios that mirror real-world business challenges. Just like Bluey and her friends figuring out how to overcome their obstacles, serious games enable employees to develop and practice skills in a safe and enjoyable environment.

Why should HR and L&D professionals care about serious games? Because they address complex issues that traditional training methods struggle to solve. These include team collaboration, leadership development, and organizational transformation. By fostering peer group discussions, building cross-functional empathy, and encouraging shared understanding, serious games provide a unique solution to these enduring challenges.

Download our eBook to learn more about how serious games can help organisations to answer the biggest business challenges of our time. Alternatively, to see one of our games in action, get in touch with our team.

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